Our Story
How can we change in response
to these events?
How can we help prevent future violence
inspired by hate in our own community?
How can we unite to celebrate the diversity
of Brookhaven Town?
On June 17, 2015, a young man, inspired by online white supremacist groups, opened fire on a Bible study at the historic Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Nine victims lost their lives to hate that night. Following the tragedy, relatives of the victims moved our grieving nation as they called out for healing and forgiveness for the killer. Rather than igniting a race war, the tragedy inspired communities across the country to come together in the spirit of unity.
When it was revealed that members of the Bethel AME church here in Setauket lost relatives in the massacre, a community prayer vigil was held. As church and community members reflected on the violence and its aftermath, questions arose...

In February of 2016, a follow-up meeting was held at which time those gathered agreed to meet monthly to create a network to examine those questions and take action. Thus, Building Bridges in Brookhaven was formed.
Since then, representatives from faith-based and community groups, as well as concerned individuals, have continued to meet at various locations throughout Brookhaven town. As we share our stories, our resources, and our visions, we are discovering countless opportunities to connect with and support one another.
Smaller focus groups with particular interests have started to form to develop their own initiatives, as well. Some areas of focus include courageous conversations, immigration, education, gun safety, arts in action, and criminal justice reform.
While BBB was initially born out of the faith-based community, we welcome any individual, group or organization that lives in, works in or has interest in creating a more inclusive and caring Brookhaven Town.